Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ozzy Osbourne's 'Blizzard of Ozz' and 'Diary of a Madman'

By 1980, Ozzy Osbourne had already secured his place in the annals of heavy metal history because of his days fronting the almighty Black Sabbath. After being fired from the band in 1979, Osbourne found himself at a crossroads in his still-early career. After a brief period of self-exile, the singer re-emerged under the management of his then-girlfriend and future wife, Sharon Arden, and new, white-hot guitarist named Randy Rhodes.

The two studio albums that Rhodes and Osbourne would eventually record – 1980's 'Blizzard of Ozz' and 1981's 'Diary of a Madman' – would go on to become the most important and revered records of the Ozzman's career.

On May 31st, Legacy Recordings will be reissuing special editions of both 'Blizzard of Ozz' and 'Diary of a Madman.' Noisecreep is thrilled to have the world premiere of the long form trailer for both releases.